Your Mom Knows (About) Web 2.0

  ...that is, if your mom reads Newsweek. That means your dad, your grandma, your uncle Louie, or your brother-in-law Stan know about it if they read Newsweek. More importantly, it also means your mayor, your police chief, and your public library board know about The New Web (2.0) if they... [Read More]

AADL Pittsfield Branch Screen Saver

Movie #1 - Welcome Screen (mp4) :: Movie #2 - Book Display (mp4) :: Download About: Based on the foundation of the aadl_saver (below), I created a new screen saver to welcome patrons to the new Pittsfield Branch. It contains a welcome screen, listing of events, and multiple dynamic displays... [Read More]
Tags: aadl dev

AADL Books RSS Screen Saver

Download About: A dynamic display of New or Top Books (including cover images) from the AADL RSS feeds. Currently only displays books, as the other items don't have good cover images (yet). Best of all, the information comes from the AADL RSS feeds, meaning it's always up to date! [Read More]
Tags: aadl dev