On Rooting: Picking a Team

So our mighty Pistons were unceremoniously dispatched from the NBA Playoffs by Dwayne Wade, Shaq, White Chocolate and the rest of the Miami Heat, leaving me in a familiar position: no local team in the Championship series (see Red Wings, Tigers, Lions, and my beloved Wolverines). But I'm a sports... [Read More]

McFreakin' Me Out

Okay, is it just me or is anybody else really disturbed by the new McDonald's chicken sandwich ads? I'm not sure if what happens to this guy is really encouranging me to rush out and buy one of those chicken sandwiches. I mean, since when is inducing the fear of... [Read More]

Upgrading to Drupal 4.7 (*cross fingers*)

The Freetagging capabilities in Drupal 4.7 alone make it worth the upgrade. Luckily I found this great video tutorial to guide me: http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/drupal/files/videocasts/4.7-upgrading.mov I just need to backup first, then we'll see what happens. UPDATE: Well, I've made the update, and so far it's working just fine. The first thing... [Read More]
Tags: dev drupal