AADL's Catalog Gets Social

I was going to write a quick blurb about [http://www.perceptivepixel.com|Perceptive Pixel's] new [http://fastcompany.com/video/general/perceptivepixel.html|Multi-touch Computer Demonstration] (which you should still totally check out), but I just have to write about the awesomeness that's sitting in front of me. The [http://www.aadl.org/catalog|AADL catalog] has just been opened up to the public. Basically, it... [Read More]

Flickr as Local History

We had a magical sight outside yesterday: near freezing temperatures combined with a slow, steady rainfall had produced a thin layer of ice on everything. Tree branches, bushes, lampposts, street signs and even individual blades of grass were all transformed into china-shop glass treasures. Combine this with the recent warmer-than-usual... [Read More]


Here's my first upload to [http://youtube.com|youtube]. Yeah, I know, welcome to 2005. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXVLt4kFZoE] [Read More]