
I've had a few thoughts recently that don't merit a full blog post, but I still want to share. Perhaps a [http://tumblr.com|tumblelog] might be better for me to share quick ideas and thoughts. Anyhoo, here's a few ideas that have popped into my head recently: What the heck is [http://www.demko.com/AARP070630.htm|that... [Read More]

iChat2Flickr update : Direct Upload Action

My last post detailed an automator action that would upload a copy of your ichat buddy icon everytime you changed it with a built in camera. Unfortunately, it had to use the mail program to send the picture to flickr by email. But what should I find on [http://www.tuaw.com/|TUAW] this... [Read More]

ichat2flickr automator action

Since I started using a Mac with a built-in iSight, I've been changing my buddy icon every morning. It's always a bit of a surprise how it comes out, because you only get 3 seconds to pose. Some of them were turning out pretty funny, and I wanted to be... [Read More]