With football season gearing up, there is a lot of trepidation around Ann Arbor about the Michigan Wolverines. The last two seasons have been disappointing, to say the least, and defensive player loss before the season opener has put the bullseye square on head coach Rich Rodriguez’s back. I have heard many voicing their displeasure and dislike of the man. Personally, I like him because he has brought some fresh ideas and game play to the Big Ten and think deep down he’s a good guy. But I have a simple equation for all Michigan fans for this upcoming season:
MICHIGAN FOOTBALL FAN {#michigan-football-fan style=”text-align:center;”}
= {#section style=”text-align:center;”}
WANTS RICHROD TO SUCCEED {#wants-richrod-to-succeed style=”text-align:center;”}
If you consider yourself a Michigan Football fan, you should want coach Rodriguez to succeed. End of story. Why?
[caption id=”attachment_289” align=”alignleft” width=”300” caption=”Michigan fans show their support for Wolverines’ head coach Rich Rodriguez.”]{.size-medium .wp-image-289 width=”300” height=”195”}[/caption]
The most basic reason is that if he succeeds, it means the football team is winning games. Which I assume all fans can agree on, right?
The second reason is that he’s the DAMN football coach. New Athletic Director Dave Brandon has supported RichRod throughout the NCAA investigations into practice time compliance, saying “Rich Rodriguez is our football coach, and he will be our football coach.” While the man is in charge of the gameplan between the sidelines and training those young men, he deserves support of the fans.
But the biggest reason I think all Michigan fans should want RichRod to succeed is this: consider the alternative. Think of what happens to the program if there is another losing season: national ridicule, further reputation loss, and another regime change. What do you honestly think will happen if Les Miles or Jim Harbaugh (or some other 2nd or 3rd tier coach) comes in next year? Another 3 or so years of struggle and turnover as the new coach tries to get HIS players into HIS system. Another coach on the hot seat with something to prove. A precedent of “produce immediately or we will have to fire you too.” For goodness sake, look at the recent coaching changes at Notre Dame. Is that the process you want to model yourself after?
If you care about the Michigan football program, get out there and cheer and support the man. This year could be the difference between a longtime regime and years of turmoil.
Go RichRod and Go Blue!