I’ve had a few thoughts recently that don’t merit a full blog post, but I still want to share. Perhaps a [http://tumblr.com|tumblelog] might be better for me to share quick ideas and thoughts. Anyhoo, here’s a few ideas that have popped into my head recently:
- What the heck is [http://www.demko.com/AARP070630.htm|that thing on Kevin Costner’s face]?
- There’s always that moment when you realize, “oh yeah, I did have asparagus at dinner.” Those of you who eat asparagus know what I mean. Gets me every time.
- Thank goodness for air conditioning at work.
- My kid is turning into a total pokemanic, but at least it’s better than captain underpants quotes all the time. Heck, I’m starting to like playing pokemon myself.