While working on a site (powered by [http://drupal.org/|drupal], of course), I came to the location page, wherein I needed to place a map. I knew I could cut-n-paste a static image of the location, then link it to either Google or Yahoo maps for further activity, but I wanted something a little more interactive. So I checked out the [http://developer.yahoo.com/|Yahoo! Developer Network] for their [http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/|maps API], and sure enough, they had lots of cool tools for embedding their map software in your code. I’ve been drinking the Yahoo! kool-aid ever since I signed up for free email with them 8 years ago.

I wanted an interactive map, but I didn’t want to have to code up a separate flash or AJAX application and upload it. That’s when I found their [http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/flash/jsGettingStarted.html|JS-Flash API]. You call a little bit of javascript in your page, and it loads a flash application hosted by Yahoo! into a div on your page. It was perfect. All you have to do is sign up for a free [https://developer.yahoo.com/wsregapp/index.php|Yahoo Developer Application ID].

After playing around a little bit, I was able to embed all of the code that I needed right into a drupal page, no external module coding needed. So I could put a highly interactive and customized map into the page just by putting code into drupal’s web-based page creation form. No FTP, no SSH, no installing and configuring modules, just cut-n-paste into a form.

Here’s the code I came up with. The important thing is that you set your input format as “PHP” because we need to use a function to put a bit of javascript in the <head> section of the page. Also, make sure you replace the appid portion with your personal AppID.


#mapContainer {
height: 400px;
width: 400px;

::: {#mapContainer} :::

// Create and display Map object at the address and with zoom level 3.
var map = new Map(“mapContainer”, “ejk_apps”,
“1201 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104”, 3);

// Add navigation and viewing tools
map.addTool( new PanTool(), true );
map.addWidget(new SatelliteControlWidget());
map.addWidget(new NavigatorWidget());

// Add the POI marker to the map and display it
marker1 = new CustomPOIMarker( ‘Michigan Stadium’, ‘’,
‘1201 S. Main\nAnn Arbor, MI 48104’, ‘0xFF0000’, ‘0xFFFFFF’);
map.addMarkerByAddress( marker1, “1201 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104”);

And here’s what it looks like:


#mapContainer {
height: 400px;
width: 400px;

::: {#mapContainer} :::

// Create and display Map object at the address and with zoom level 3.
var map = new Map(“mapContainer”, “ejk_apps”,
“1201 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104”, 3);

// Add navigation and viewing tools
map.addTool( new PanTool(), true );
map.addWidget(new SatelliteControlWidget());
map.addWidget(new NavigatorWidget());

// Add the POI marker to the map and display it
marker1 = new CustomPOIMarker( ‘Michigan Stadium’, ‘’,
‘1201 S. Main\nAnn Arbor, MI 48104’, ‘0xFF0000’, ‘0xFFFFFF’);
map.addMarkerByAddress( marker1, “1201 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104”);

I thought I should wrap some of this up into a module, but when I looked, [http://drupal.org/project/ymap|someone had already done it]. I’ll have to check it out.